A Beginning Dialogue – Making Progress: Movement Toward Racial Justice

Lori Villarosa from the Philanthropic for Racial Equity passed this along. A Beginning Dialogue. Marking Progress: Movement Toward Racial Justice highlights some of the framing issues key advocates, researchers and practitioners raise as they ask themselves what needs to be considered in measuring progress against structural racism. This short document sets the stage for PRE’s…

McKinsey Report on Best Practices for Social Impact Assessment

Attached is the new McKinsey Report on a project to identify best practices for social impact assessment and philanthropy’s role in it – based on partnerships with 13 leading foundations and more than 100 thought leaders from nonprofits, academic institutions and beyond. Additional materials, including a workbook for program officers and other practitioners, are available…

From Central American Women’s Fund – on Social Impact Analysis Work Since Cairo

I was already part of the North-South Working Group for Evaluation of Social Change, in which Latin American social movements activists and Northern donors are gathering virtually since last year about evaluation of social change in the context of North-South relationships. This group is producing a joint document that systematizes its reflections on this topic…