Funding African movements? Philanthropic revolutions needed first.

‘New configurations of civic-led movements are playing an instrumental role in challenging political, social and economic abuses of power, at great personal risk. At the same time the organized and professionalised civil society spaces which are typically supported by philanthropy are losing momentum, relevance and connectivity to those whose interests they are meant to be working for.’ HalimaMahomed writes this about Africa and argues that African philanthropy is failing to meet the needs of the continent’s dynamic social movements. This could be said of many other places in the world where it appears that change is happening despite philanthropy and not because of it.

In this article published by Alliance, Halima raises critical questions around what is holding African philanthropy back in its engagement with social movements on the continent, what is needed to support these movements and what questions philanthropy must ask of itself if it is to be an agent of change on the continent.

Read the full article in Alliance.