Log frame or log jam? A response to ‘Strategic Philanthropy for a Complex World’

By Avila Kilmurray This post was first published on Latest from Alliance, the blog of Alliance Magazine on August 13, 2014. It is the second in the Alliance series of responses by contributors to the March issue of Alliance to John Kania, Mark Kramer and Patty Russell’s ‘Strategic Philanthropy for a Complex World’. You can read responses from Kathleen Cravera…

Gaza Under Fire: What Does it Mean for Philanthropy?

I’m a critic of “poverty porn,” the selling of poverty to increase donations. It dehumanizes “beneficiaries” (a word that itself is dehumanizing), but even worse, it’s a slippery slope. Engaging donors on the basis of crisis means you always need a new crisis to keep them engaged; successful philanthropy becomes dependent on having a steady…

Beyond the Logframe: Philanthrophy in Contested and Fragile Societies

The European Foundation Conference this year was held in Sarajevo, 15-17 May 2014. It was entitled “Rethinking Europe: Solidarity, civil society and political governance”.  Why was the conference held in Sarajevo? Erik Rudeng, The Chair of European Foundation Centre said that: “Sarajevo provides a very special location, in relation to the centenary anniversary of the…

5 Reasons Why FRIDA Grants are Unique

A version of this post first appeared on http://youngfeministfund.org/ on June 30, 2014 After four years since it’s founding, FRIDA remains the only youth-led fund in the world focused exclusively on supporting global young feminist activism. Here are the top 5 reasons why FRIDA grants are unique. We’d like to hear from you, why YOUR…

Can “Philanthropic” Intentions Be as Good as Philanthropy?!

By Rita Thapa Yesterday I was invited to watch “Waiting For Mamu” – a film made on 2012 CNN Hero, Pushpa Basnet.  From start to finish tears flowed down my face shamelessly.  More so, when Pushpa who has now taken in over 100 children of jailed mothers from 14 prisons across Nepal, spoke of how the “Butterfly…