U.S. foundation funding for philanthropic infrastructure outside the U.S. is declining, but we need a strong global philanthropy support ecosystem now more than ever

Earlier this month, the Foundation Center published a report detailing the latest available data on U.S. foundation funding for nonprofit and philanthropic infrastructure. The research spans twelve years and analyzes 21,148 infrastructure-related grants made by 881 funders to 511 organizations in 30 countries. What did we find and what do the findings mean for our collective efforts…

The (continuing) enigma of Kaspar Hauser

Most of us (by ‘us’ I loosely mean those who are steadily employed in the philanthropy sector) are not poor, but we write and talk about poverty. Many of us are middle-aged or beyond, but we write and talk about young people. We cudgel our brains to understand social movements and how to reach them,…

Learn about the Shine Campaign

The Shine Campaign is a unique global collaboration founded by philanthropy, faith, and development leaders, working together with the finance community to supply clean energy for the 1 billion people without access.  Shine is dedicated to ending energy poverty and achieving universal clean energy access for all to realize Sustainable Development Goal 7. Clean and reliable…

Are we dancing on the edge?

By Barry Knight ‘Come to the edge’ was the invitation, and 200 came. The premise of the Edge Funders Conference held in New Orleans from 17th to 20th April 2018 was that from the edge you can see all sorts of things that you can’t see from the centre. The discussion lived up to its…

South Asia Women’s Fund is now Women’s Fund Asia

On 8th March 2018, International Women’s Day, Tulika Srivastav announced the transmogrification of the South Asia Women’s Fund to Women’s Fund Asia, expanding the work of the fund to 18 countries in Asia. In a message to partners and friends, Tulika wrote: The journey to become Women’s Fund Asia consisted of many consultations, debates and…

Global corporations avoid millions in tax – and philanthropy benefits!

In the latest installation of Philanthropy Thinker -Alliance’s new online column, independent writer and consultant, Halima Mahomed, assesses the relationship between philanthropy and tax justice, and why philanthropy needs to address the elephant in the room. ‘Tax is an unpopular topic for most; in philanthropy, even more so. It often sits in the shadowy corner of…

Opening at the Atlantic Fellows programme at LSE

The Atlantic Fellows programme in Social and Economic Equity, housed within the LSE’s International Inequalities Institute (III) is recruiting a Global Network Officer. They are looking for a driven and inspiring individual with experience in building meaningful relationships across global networks, particularly at the intersection of social movements, civil society and academia. Ideally, s/he will…