Philanthropy in Brazil

This report on Brazilian philanthropy is part of a larger study by Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace (PSJP), started in 2016, to review the current state of philanthropy in emerging economies and the role philanthropy is playing in the world today. This is the fourth report from the study, which we hope will eventually form part of the Philanthropy Bridge Series.

The earlier three reports in the series are on Indian philanthropy (published October 2017), Russian philanthropy (published January 2018) and Philanthropy in the Arab Region (published March 2018).

Like the other reports, this is not a full-scale statistical survey of Brazilian philanthropy, which would be impossible given the paucity of data; still less is it a once-and-for-all summing up. Instead, it aims to throw light on current developments in, obstacles to, and possibilities for philanthropy in Brazil, especially highlighting innovations and new initiatives. This has been done partly through looking at existing research, but mainly through a series of conversations with people who have been trying to promote, support or strengthen different areas of philanthropy in the country.

The areas covered include various forms of giving by the wealthy, including corporate philanthropy, family foundations and impact investing, social justice philanthropy, community philanthropy, and giving by ordinary individuals.

Before looking at any of these specific areas, however, the report looks at the political situation in Brazil, which is the background against which all developments in philanthropy are unfolding, and how this situation is affecting the different parts of the philanthropic sector.

This study is neither exhaustive nor complete – so the report coming out of it should be considered a working paper, a work in progress, not a finished product. We hope that others reading the report will comment, disagree with it and add to it, perhaps publishing other working papers that might fill in the gaps.

Caroline Hartnell and Andrew Milner are the authors of this report. It is published by Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace in association with Alliance, Philanthropy Network for Social Justice (Brazil) and WINGS. A summarized translation of the report in Portuguese is also available.

To comment on findings or engage in a conversation about this report, please write to us at